Decompress the Stress™

 Mission Statement

Warfighter Scuba’s mission is to serve veterans and gold star families affected by the traumas of war and create opportunities to prevent divorce and suicide. No one left behind. No one left alone.

Our Program for Wounded Veterans

Flights – Roundtrip Airfare Provided to the Wounded Veteran

Hotel – Lodging in Hotel for 5-7 Nights

Food/Drink – 3 Meals + Snacks Every Day, 7 Days *

Scuba – Scuba Certification + Unlimited Dives!

* – No alcohol/drugs are allowed on any trip provided by Warfighter Scuba.

Warfighter Scuba (WFS) offers a complete service to veterans from NATO countries who have received a Purple Heart or foreign equivalent suffering from PTSD, Amputations, Paralysis, etc. suffered from wounds in combat.  

These services include:

Custom ISO regulated Scuba Certification solely designed for veterans with combat wounds that will be recognized around the world for recreational scuba.

WFS feels that with the amount of depression and suicide in the worldwide veteran communities scuba offers a very therapeutic environment to help veterans deal with their wounds.  Getting the wounded veterans out of their current situations up to and including thoughts of suicide by placing them in an unfamiliar environment that is never the same.  If you speak to most wounded veterans they feel like their life is meaningless because there is nothing left for them to accomplish or they are tired of every day being the same.  Opening up the entire world to these wounded veterans and giving them the ability to scuba anywhere all while tailoring the certification to their individual needs greatly increases their moral.

WFS primarily operates in across Central and Southeastern Florida including the Florida Keys.  The conditions here allow for ease of training without fear of strong currents or bad visibility allowing the wounded veterans to train with minimal risk and maximum excitement.

The wounded veterans enjoy all lodging, meals and expenses paid for by WFS operating as an Non-profit Organization (NPO) because of our wonderful donors.

Medical staff is on site at all training and dives to maintain a safe training environment for the veterans.Â