SSgt Keith Frazier – USMC
May 19th – May 27th 2018
Roatan, Honduras
We are proud to introduce United States Marine Staff Sergeant Keith Frazier. Â SSgt Frazier served with MWSS-373, 3DMAW (Marine Wing Support Squadron 373, 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing) with combat deployments to Iraq.
Frazier visited us for a week of scuba diving in Roatan, Honduras. SSgt Frazier suffers from wounds sustained from a rocket attack in Al Taqaddum, Iraq. Â SSgt Frazier came to us as a certified diver already but had not dove or attempted to dive since he was wounded by an explosion on November 10th, 2004. Although Frazier had been hesitant to enter the water because of his Traumatic Brain Injury sustained in the blast he was cleared by a doctor before his trip and the second we got him underwater he was home again. We thoroughly enjoyed our time with Frazier, his all around excitement and energy were such a wonderful and addictive thing to be around and unfortunately the week flew by too fast.
Photos from SSgt Frazier’s Therapy
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